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 At Ardler, the educational experience in the nursery is of the highest quality and is based on the interests of the child and meeting their individual needs. Children are encouraged to have a positive attitude towards themselves and others and to develop confidence and self-esteem.  

The nursery can accommodate up to 74 pupils (3-5) and 20 pupils (2 years) staying full days.


Regular attendance by your child is requested to ensure your child benefits from his/her nursery experience. It is helpful if the parents can contact the nursery if their child is to be absent. Only those aged 16+ should bring or collect your child from nursery. If changes are to occur in collection arrangements, even at short notice, parents are asked to inform staff to ensure the child’s complete safety. Please also tell your child who will be collecting him/her if there is a change of person on that day.


Lunches are free for all nursery children. Please follow the link for the menu.

What to Wear

The children come to the Nursery to enjoy playing both indoors and out of doors in all weather. We feel it is very important that they wear clothes they do not need to worry about. Although waterproof overalls are given to children when engaging in water and art and craft activities it is not always possible to protect clothes completely, it is therefore advised that children wear clothes which do not matter if they get a spot of paint on. It is advised that children do not wear jewellery to Nursery as it can get lost or broken, it may also get caught in play equipment causing injury.

They also need a coat or jacket to wear outdoors and a sun hat to wear in the summer and autumn term to keep them safe from the sun’s rays.  We would ask that any exposed skin be covered in sunscreen in the morning and this can be applied when required at lunch time.  

Emergency Closure

If weather conditions deteriorate rapidly, the school may have to close.  When conditions are bad, parents should not send their children.

Listen to Radio Tay (AM 1160) and Wave 102 as they transmit messages about school closures.  Should you be unable to tune to the local radio stations, arrangements have been made for a message to be held on the Tay Connect service.                 

Nursery Staff

Head Teacher                                

Miss L Reid

Nursery Teacher    

Tina Graham

Senior E. Y. P.

Gillian Dailly

Shona Ferreira

E. Y. P                       

Dorothy Begg

E. Y. E

Caitlin MacGregor

Chloe Munro

Claire McCabe

Gail Mason

Hollie Wilkie

Kay Milton

Kerry McGraw

Kim Cowan

Ruth Ford

Sarah Thomas

Siobhan Milligan

Terri Murray

E. Y. E. (families)

Danielle Robertson

E. Y. S. A

Heather Baird

Louise Todd

Monika Pyrek


Justyna Kasprowicz